the possibility of language

Friday, July 03, 2009

Love Memory

With my senses in overdrive, I remember you.

A photograph not only allowed me to see the contours of your face, I smelled you. The sweet smell of masculinity; with a background fragrance of a clean white T rinsed in fresh water and Clorox.

The warm minty smell of your breath and the sweet flavor of your lips rest easy on my tongue. I could lick this picture, I think....

The darkness of your skin, your hair, your eyes, Pierces my memory like a knife; The deepest most satisfying cut I'll ever feel.

I want to relax in your voice as your baritone changes in pitch with motion of our love making.

With this, I can barely remember me, my femininity, my hair reckless, loose, sweat drenched. Un-comb-able waves I'll have to deal with tomorrow.

I find my hand wandering aimlessly to my head, to my lips, to my tongue and it will never taste the same.

I slide on the smoothness of your skin, eyes closed, and surprise myself with where I end up.

I realize where I am and know that the beauty is love, and that's why it feels so damn good. If I never have it again,....ever.....I want to thank you.

.....but it's not over yet.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Addiction (I Luv Black Men)

Hair black like coal with waves deep as the ocean,
I swim there.
Skin dark as midnight and shadows,
I lurk there.
Teeth white like ivory, encased by full lip pillows beautiful and brown,
I taste there.
Neck strong like tree trunks leading down to its roots, the broadest shoulders and rock hard chest,
I lay there.
All of his limbs are cut with hilly mounds of masculinity that hold me so gentle,
yet tight.
His body is home but I live in his lap
and he in mine where the ultimate passion takes place,
An exchange from me to him.
At climax I know why I am here and why this is home.
My Addiction

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A Message to a Friend

Understanding the loss of a friend is an ordeal I have yet to come to terms with. April 30th, 2007 I lost a good friend of mine. My heart ached but my mind had not accepted the reality. It is now going on over a week since her death and we are just now coming upon her funeral. My heart is racing more than ever with the fear of seeing her really gone. I am afraid that I won't be able to cope.
I just wanted to take this time out, while I still have my sanity, to say that I love her and miss her very much. She was very dear to me and I struggle with the idea that I wasn't a good enough friend. I want her to know that I wanted to be and I want her to know that I'm sorry I wasn't there. I know, if she could, she would describe to me the moment she knew her time had come. She would say "C.C., that's when I knew. I just Knew". I pray for her family daily, and pray God will deliver the message for me. Life does go on but not without remembrance. I love you Deb.
In loving memory of Deborah Clay.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


In the beginning there was me.
"Lost in the sauce", "A rebel without a cause", if even a rebel
then the inevitable became the inevitable, and we all know how things like pressure do,
inevitably, you and me conceived a baby
Young and unsure in a world we did not know
you let me go
and I was alone
or at least I thought I was
With a baby in my arms and a prayer at my lips awaiting sound,
I cry out soft in secret
Life went on but pain stayed the same
Haunting me were regretful decisions un-slain
A woman came to me one day and encouraged me to pray
Little did she know I was but was afraid
to open up and receive my blessing
Lessons unlearned but I kept on treading
miracles unfold like flowers in front my eyes
to my surprise
I held him,
who uplifted me,
the man, the wonder,
the one who set me free
the righteousness of Christ.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thanks After Thanksgiving

I just want to thank my brother, "Slim", for being such an insparation in my life. He contributes to the gas for the motivational movement. Lord knows I could use the gas. Life gets hard for everyone. How we get through those hard times makes all the difference. I just wanted to voice my thankfulness. I am thankful for my children and family especially my other half who helps a lot with the technical support. I am thankful for my health and strength that carries me, and I am thankful for my friends who are support systems and don't even know it. I love you all. I can't for get the Lord above who makes all things possible through him. Keep faith in your heart.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Deeper Than Beauty(Thicker than Skin)

Beauty's only skin deep said the eye of the beholder, and she cut herself deeply to see what she could find. The blood thickened spilling over her wound and the eyes began to panic. The mind was confused, "But I thought we were looking for something?" And the esteem of self began to speak up,"I've been hiding from you, I'm tired of the abuse! I've been used!" And like vapor she was gone. And the heart felt pain weeping for her as it's rhythm began to fade. The soul pleaded with his father begging for forgivness but it was too late or was it. As resurrection began to revive her. Remember life and pain from beauty unfound, deeper than skin stronger than life. Painful but conquerable. Capable of victory won or lost. Life precious. And the skin was sewn and the pain healed but the scar a reminder of beauty being more.

Loves run on sentence

The motivation of my heart, moving my soul, positioning my thoughts for a lifetime where I want to be the puzzle pieces that have always been missing found in awkward places like the couch cushions as i bring them together i begin to notice familiar places and faces seen in another lifetime what i thought was once a dream a reality like no other helping me to remember a finer time when life was a diamond in it's purest form,dirty and un-cut, finally figuring out that this is what it has always been love, you, my diamond in the rough more thankful than ever i kiss you over and over again and never forget your touch or how soft your lips are and remember that i have kissed these lips several times over and that this time was like the first your touch melted my heart and sent chills to soft parts of my body that harden and swell at the thought of us going half on a family sweat that i've never broken moistens uncensored places at the thought of faces you make when you stare into my eyes and by no surprise i am moved and the motivation of my heart takes over with unconditional love at the wheel of my soul steering us to destiny.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

A poets Addiction

I hold the pen in my hand as if it were a cigarette and burn holes in paper after sex. Smoke stacks of emotion intertwine with Life, Love, and other capitol L's.