Where there's a blog there's a way.
Bienvenidos fellow bloggers. I hope your journey to this sight meets you in good health and good spirits, and if not I hope that it will uplift you and put a good word in your head for the day if not leaving a definite impression. I am a poet who calls herself dragonflyy and the possibility of language speaks of different ways to communicate. In this instance communication being in the poetic form. I am here to be free through my poems and share them with you to enjoy, if not despise. I am always open for honest criticisms and comments. I hope to provide weekly (hopefully daily) inspiration for visitors or at least something to make you go hmmm. Here's today's something......
"Ummm, what are you wearing ", a man once said to me
I'm wearing confidence today on my shoulders and my sleeves
Full in my lips and the words that I speak,
rounding off my hips sashaying steps so sleek
Sending energy through my eyes
a message that's so deep
interpreted through emotion
but to raw for the tongue to speak
I'm wearing confidence today can you not feel my vibe
Controlling the world around me
invigorating from the inside
My smile from ear to ear
everything I do with pride
I'm wearing confidence today and no longer can I hide
Attracting the masses
some jealous some impressed
The radiation that I spewing is not only from my dress
My thoughts of me are flawless
clean cut like diamond ice
When asked the simple question I'll give the same advice
I'm wearing confidence today and sweat Nile from the dawn
For I am proud of who I am and thankful of where I'm from
I'm wearing confidence today whispers from ear to ear
wondering what's up with me and why I show no fear
No matter what they say or however I appear
my confidence isn't questionable and these words I don't long to hear,
"Ummm, what are you wearing?"
At 9:59 PM,
SlimCalhoun said…
Keep on keeping on... you have a great sense of timing, form and wordplay... i can't wait to read more... illustrate with your pen, the inner workings of your soul, let the light shine so that in our most desperate hour of need, the sheep can find their way home...
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